
Here are some nice things that are close to my heart and that I would like to give to you, free for you to download.

C A R D:  T H E  S O U N D  O F  L I F E

I would like to give you this beautiful card. With a click on the picture, you can easily download it and print at The musician and artist Anna Avramidou has created it. On her website you can also order the picture on stretcher frames (120 x 40 cm). I wish you much pleasure with it!

Soundworld - Achtsames Marketing, gratis, kostenlos

T H E  T A R A  M A N T R A

This beautiful mantra is dedicated to the Green Tara. She is the female Buddha of love and compassion. Accompanied by sound bowls, you can warmly wrap yourself in the loving energy of these millennia-old words.

It is sung and played by Anna Avramidou (

InAnna_Tara Mantra_master v2.mp3.mp3
MP3 Audio File 24.5 MB
Anna Avramidou, Klangmantra
Anna Avramidou

I M A G I N A R Y   J O U R N E Y :   T H E   I S L A N D  I N   Y O U

With this imaginary journey, I invite you to come to your own deeply relaxed island and to treat yourself to a break from everyday life.


Text: Emily Hess

Spoken and played by Janine Gabelmann


Imaginary journey: Your inner Island
Your inner Island7.mp3
MP3 Audio File 28.2 MB
Your inner Island
FR Innere Insel_EN.pdf.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 6.9 MB
Fantasiereise, Emily Hess, Anna Avramidou
Ikaria, Griechenland

Emily und Peter Hess

Avlaki 1

83302 Avlaki

Ikaria, Greece 




Peter Hess Institut
Fachverband Klang

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